ColorPicker API

The color picker API is the main feature of iro.js, and is accessible on iro.ColorPicker.

# Constructor


  • {String | DOM Element} CSS selector or DOM node for the color picker container
  • {Object} color picker options

# Options

# width

The total width of the color picker UI, measured in pixels.

Default value: 300

# color

The default selected color. This option can be any supported color format.

Default value: "#ffffff"

# display

CSS display value for the color picker root element.

Default value: "block"

# id

HTML ID for the color picker root element.

Default value: null

# layout

Component definition array used for custom layouts.

Default value: null

# layoutDirection

Component stacking direction; either "vertical" or "horizontal".

Default value: "vertical"

# borderWidth

Width of the border around the controls, measured in pixels.

Default value: 0 (no border)

# borderColor

Color of the border. Any valid CSS color is supported.

Default value: "#ffffff"

# padding

Padding between control handles and the edges of a component.

Default value: 6

# margin

Gap between individual components.

Default value: 12

# handleRadius

Radius of the control handles, measued in pixels.

Default value: 8

# activeHandleRadius

Overrides handleRadius for the handle of the currently selected color.

Default value: Inherits handleRadius value by default

# handleSvg

SVG reference for Custom Handles. This should be an ID selector that matches your handle SVG.

Default value: null (default handle is used)

# handleProps

Properties for Custom Handles.

Default value: { x: 0, y: 0 }

# wheelLightness

If set to false, the color wheel will not fade to black when the lightness decreases.

Default value: true

# wheelAngle

Starting angle of the color wheel's hue gradient, measured in degrees.

Default value: 0

# wheelDirection

Direction of the color wheel's hue gradient, either "clockwise" or "anticlockwise".

Default value: "anticlockwise"

# sliderSize

Slider size, measued in pixels.

Default value: By default this will be calculated automatically from padding and handleRadius.

# boxHeight

Box control height, measued in pixels.

Default value: By default this will be the same value as width.

# Properties

# color

An iro.Color object representing the currently selected color. Updating this color object will also update the seclected color in the picker.

See also: Using the Selected Color

# colors

An array of iro.Color objects representing the currently selected colors, used for multicolor. Updating any of these color objects will also update the seclected color in the picker.

# el

The HTML element being used as the color picker container.

# base

The HTML element being used as the color picker's base element.

# props

The initial configeration options passed to the color picker.

# id

The ID value passed to the color picker config.

# Event Methods


  • {Number} width
  • {Number} height

# on

Add a listener to a color picker event.



// make a handler function
function colorChangeCallback(color) {

// start listening to the color change event
// colorChangeCallback will be called whenever the color changes
example.on("color:change", colorChangeCallback);

# off

Remove event listeners that were registered with on.



// make a handler function
function colorChangeCallback(color) {

// start listening to the color change event
// colorChangeCallback will be called whenever the color changes
example.on("color:change", colorChangeCallback);

// stop listening to the color change event
// colorChangeCallback won't be called ehen the color changes"color:change", colorChangeCallback);

# Multicolor Methods

# addColor

Add another selectable color to the color picker.


  • {IroColorValue} color value - The color to add, this can be an iro.Color or any supported color format.
  • {Number} color index (optional) - Defaults to the end of the color array

# removeColor

Remove a color from the color picker.


  • {Number} color index

# setActiveColor

Set the currently 'active' color (the color that is selected and highlighted).


  • {Number} color index

# setColors

Replaces all the colors currently on the color picker with a new set of colors.


  • {Color []} new color values

# Utility Methods

# resize

Set the color picker to a new size.


  • {Number} width

# reset

Reset the color picker back to the original color value passed to the color picker config.

# forceUpdate

Force the color picker to rerender.

# emit

Used internally to dispatch an event. All function arguments after the event type will be passed to the event callback.


# deferredEmit

Used internally to dispatch an deferred event. Deferred events are stored until an event listener for them is added with on.


# Events

The color picker's on method can be used to register callbacks for color picker events, such as when the selected color changes or when the user begins interacting with the picker. These callbacks can also be removed with the off method.

# color:change

Fired whenever the color changes -- either when the user interacts with the controls, or when it is set via code. This event's callbacks will receive the color object that changed, as well as an object which reflects which h,s,v channels changed. It is safe to modify the color object within callbacks for this event.

# input:change

Similar to color:change, except this is only fired whenever the color is changed with direct user input. Callbacks for this event recieve exactly the same parameters as color:change. It is also safe to modify the color object within callbacks for this event.

# input:start

Fired whenever the users starts interacting with the color picker controls. This event's callbacks will receive the current color object.

# input:move

Fired when the user moves their pointer/mouse after beginning interaction. This event's callbacks will receive the current color object.

# input:end

Fired whenever the user stops interacting with the color picker controls. This event's callbacks will receive the current color object.

# color:init

Fired whenever a new color is created. This event's callbacks will receive the new creat color object.

# color:remove

Fired when a color is removed from the color picker. This event's callbacks will receive the removed color object

# color:setActive

Fired whenever the 'active' color is switched. This event's callbacks will receive the active color object.

# mount

Fired when the colorPicker's UI has been mounted to the DOM and is ready for user interaction. The colorPicker object is passed to this event's callback function.